

girls' generation - oh!
best song and video of the year already. no point anyone else making any more songs 'till next year

thumbs up

kara - lupin
not bad, not great but probably their best song yet. catchy chorus for sure, nearly thumbs up just for that

thumbs down

BoA - lazer
ditto the last song really except not as good. asia's most overrated idol

thumbs down

ke$ha - your love is my drug
well, it's not a single yet but it will be surely. great effort
again from her producers to create another great tune for this talentless tramp

thumbs up


HNC - cult
i have no idea why anyone would change their name from hazel nuts chocolate (one of al's nemeses) to HNC. what an idiot. made the music worse too

thumbs down

and that concludes the worst blog entry ever.

in fact, wait. WATCH THIS NOW
